2.0 – 14th February 2025
— New 2.0 theme —
- Brand new look and feel for Memberoni with the introduction of the “2.0” base style
- Added 6 new alternative colour schemes (available for both legacy and 2.0 base styles)
— New Core Features —
- Added Certificates functionality for completed courses with shortcode to display on pages
- Added the option for a vertical site navigation/header
- Added new “Jumplinks List” page template to show a searchable list of all jumplinks from Memberoni courses
- Added new “User Notes” feature enabling private per-user content to be show on pages using the “Personal Member Content” template
— Other Enhancements & Features —
- New option to change display of course and roadmap completion from a circular progress indicator to a progress bar
- Custom breadcrumbs can now be set on individual pages, posts, courses and roadmaps
- Added pre-requisite functionality to Roadmaps, allowing admins to lock content of one Roadmap until another is completed
- Vimeo jumplinks blocks are no longer limited to Pages
- Added option to show an icon in the page title
- Added global option to choose size of featured image in individual blog articles
- Added support for ProfilePress
- Added support for MemberDash
- Added support for SureMembers
— Bugs/Fixes/Misc
- Tested up to WordPress 6.7
- Lesson thumbnails now show in Activity Tracker if set
- Fixed issue with header gradients not being applied in some circumstances
- Tweaked script for manual modal search trigger to apply to any element with the ‘menu_search’ class
- Expanded course and roadmap developer actions to pass post ID as a parameter
- Optimized method of loading styles for alternative colour schemes
- Fixed inconsistent support for DAP membership plugin
- Retired support for im360 membership plugin
- Updated bundled ACF Pro and ACF Font Awesome scripts
1.10.4 – February 19th 2024
- The ‘Recent Content’ block and section on the dashboard template now has the option to only show inactive course, lesson and roadmap content
- Added the option to show a ‘reset progress’ button on Roadmaps
- Content Tracks can now include pages or posts as well as external links. NOTE: these do not contribute to completion percentages
- You can now enable membership protection on individual lessons to control their appearance in Content Grids which are set to include lessons in the listings
- Added new “conditional” shortcode to display content based on existence of a URL parameter
- Added option to set text alignment of the main menu
- Fixed bug in category filtering for blog posts in Recent Content dashboard section and block
- Tested up to WordPress 6.4.3
1.10.3 – October 12th 2023
- Fix to ensure module/group pages don’t show in recent content lists where ‘show lessons’ setting is enabled
- Fix for minor bug affecting website header gradients
- Added option to customise the error message shown if members access inactive content directly
- Made tweak to ensure course start button on overview page is hidden if that course is inactive
- Minor changes to Gravity Forms CSS to remove unnecessary width restrictions on elements
- Minor change to WP login page styling
- Tested up to WordPress 6.3.1
1.10.2 – July 17th 2023
- Added option to enable custom sidebar content on Standalone Lesson course types
- Added option to display icons/checkmarks for Content Tracks on mobile
- Added options to override ‘Mark Course Complete’ and ‘Reset Lesson Progress’ text on course-by-course basis
- Fixed erroneous sidebar being used on blog index page
- Tweak to ensure only published items appear in member activity tracker lists
- Fix to certain widgets having their content cut off if sidebar was longer than main page content
- Fix for duplicate grid sidebar showing in some setups where manual content was being used
- Improvements to excerpt formatting on protected content listings
- Changed default image size for oEmbed
- Updated Memberoni branding with new logo and theme screenshot
- Tested up to WordPress 6.2.2
1.10.1 – November 30th 2022
- PHP 8 compatibility fixes
1.10.0 – September 13th 2022
- New design options in Customizer enabling a background image or gradient to be used in the site header
- You can now set the lesson list in course sidebars to be ‘sticky’ as users scroll down the page
- Course/lesson pagination is now available within the Course Layout Builder
- ‘Grid Options’ are now available for individual lessons, allowing descriptions and custom meta info to be shown in Content Grids
- Individual course lessons can now be added to Content Tracks
- You can now display the length of a lesson in the sidebar lesson list
- You can now schedule individual lessons to switch from ‘inactive’ to ‘active’ at a future date
- Added the ability to change the ‘Start/Continue This Course’ button text on a per-course basis
- Added an option to control whether icon links in Content Tracks open in a new window or not
- Improvements to module pages if accessed directly. WP editor content now shows alongside course pagination and overall formatting has been fixed
- Added the option to enable comments on Roadmap ‘step’ pages
- Added an option to hide featured image on individual course lessons
- Added the ability to hide ‘inactive’ items from WordPress search results
- Fixed bug where ‘fixed image ratio’ global setting was not being applied to items in the Member Activity Tracker template
- Removed excerpt options for single column Content Grid layouts which are now redundant due to course meta settings introduced in 1.7
- Fixed bug where lesson order settings were not being applied within modules/groups
- Optimized post queries in order to improve load speeds for Dashboard template and pages using the Recent Content block
- Fixed bug causing PHP Warning in course lessons under some configurations
- Adjustments to login page CSS to remove unnecessary !important tags
- Updated ACF version
- Tested up to WordPress 6.0.2
1.9.1 – March 24th 2021
- Added new Gutenberg block for Vimeo Jumplinks (for use on WP “pages” only)
- You can now add meta info to Roadmaps that will display in the Content Grid template
- Roadmaps now have additional protection and display options based on Course settings
- Tidied up UI for Roadmaps to match that of Courses
- Added option to protect/hide special elements in Memberoni courses/roadmaps – i.e. downloads, video embeds etc – on a global basis when Membership Plugin Support is turned on, rather than needing to enable it on a course by course basis
- You can now set your Content Grid to only show courses that a user does NOT have access to (under Override Protection Settings)
- You can now choose to show downloads standalone lessons in the sidebar (if enabled)
- When recent content or content grids are set to include lessons, these now inherit the thumbnail from their parent course if one is not set on the lesson itself.
- Adjusted course sidebar styling so that lesson downloads and course downloads are consistent in design
- Courses and Roadmaps now appear on default WP category and tag archive pages when this setting is selected
- Fixed bug when hiding page title bar on the ‘Content Track’ template
- Fixed bug with search where individual item settings to hide header, bookmarks etc were being applied to search results page
- Fixed issue with erroneous required fields on certain Page templates when using PMPro, Wishlist Member or DAP
- Fixed bug affecting the option to combine user and main menus on mobile while using the Default menu layout
- Tweak to CSS styling in course/lesson headers when completion circle is hidden
- Corrected outdated notice about unsupported membership plugins in theme settings
- Added dependency check for fitvids script
- Updated ACF version
- Tested up to WordPress 5.7 – December 9th 2020
- Fixed bugs with the new menu widget styling
- Tested up to WordPress v5.6
- Added ability to permanently dismiss ACF conflict warning message
1.9 – November 24th 2020
- Added the ability to schedule a future date to make an ‘inactive’ course or roadmap switch to ‘active’ automatically
- Added an optional Course Layout Builder tool that enables you to customise the order of elements on lesson pages. Note: This is an experimental feature.
- Added the option to generate direct URLs that will pre-filter your Content Grid to specific categories
- You can now override various course and lesson ‘labels’ such as ‘Course Overview’, ‘Lessons in this course’ etc on a per-course basis
- Added an Advanced setting to append the full course and module names onto items in the ‘Clone Lesson’ list within Memberoni courses
- Removed limit on maximum number of manual grid items (previously 90)
- Added option to show author Gravatar alongside their name in blog post bylines
- You can now set Content Grid item links open in a new window, with separate settings for courses and roadmaps based on whether the content is inactive or protected
- Added option to style WordPress Navigation Menu widget to look like Memberoni lesson list
- ‘hascompleted’ shortcode can now be used to show content based on whether specific lessons or roadmap steps have been completed
- Added ‘percent’ attribute to the ‘hascompleted’ shortcode to show content based on a certain percentage of a course or roadmap having been completed
- Added ‘exclude’ attribute to the ‘hascompleted’ shortcode in order to support more advanced conditional situations
- Added option to hide course-wide content on the Overview page
- Added option to hide featured image on course overview page to non-members when using Membership Plugin Support settings
- Fixed conflict with ActiveMember360 that caused issues with certain admin options for Memberoni page templates
- Reinstated membership plugin support for ActiveMember360 to use Content Grid protection settings. (‘Force Excerpts’ needs to be turned on to ensure this works)
- Fixed issue where fade was not being applied to course image thumbnail when the default image was used
- Addressed performance issues on Dashboard template and ‘Recent Content’ Gutenberg block
- Fixed bug where the last item in a Roadmap was cut off after being completed
- Tweak to maximum width of course titles and bylines to avoid overlapping with progress indicator
- Added warning about possible URL issues when MemberPress Courses add-on is active
- Misc additional bug fixes
1.8.2 – September 8th 2020
- You can now set the width of widgets in your footer via Customizer > Layout Options
- When using filtering on content grid pages, the screen will now automatically scroll back to the top of the window when the page number is changed
- You can now set a time limit on the Activity Tracker page, to only show completed/saved lessons from the past X days
- Completion/Bookmarking options can now be disabled on individual lessons and standalone courses
- Fixed issue with Member Tracker page not supporting shortcodes in the WP editor content
- Fixed issue with Member Tracker page where custom default course/content images were not being shown
- Fixed bug where default/original styles for recently added custom color scheme options weren’t being loaded (specifically relating to nav menu and course/roadmap icon styles)
1.8.1 – August 13th 2020
- Added option to the ‘Full Width’ template to set main content area to the full width of the browser (useful for people using page builder plugins)
- User redirection settings can now be used on courses, roadmaps and blog posts as well as pages
- Added pagination to manual content grid layout when using filtering
- Added page protection options for the Content Grid, Dashboard, Content Track and Member Activity page templates that add options to hide special elements when membership plugin support is enabled
- Added the ability to choose different locations for per-lesson sidebar content
- Added the option to automatically ‘collapse’ the first/current step in a Roadmap
- Added extra custom color scheme options for drop-down menus and bookmarking icons
- Fixed bug with manual filtering when terms contained special characters
- Fixed issue with some course completion options showing to logged out users
- Fixed bug with meta icon sizes in grid when using protection options – July 6th 2020
- Fix for filtering issue in the Content Grid template when using CPT with custom taxonomy – July 2nd 2020
- Fixed issue where categories with slugs that started with a number caused issues with filtering on the Content Grid template
- Fixed bug where page-level header/footer scripts weren’t being loaded – July 1st 2020
- Fixed issue with user menu not opening on pages using the Content Grid template
- Added versioning for new Mixitup scripts to force refresh cached JS
1.8 – June 30th 2020
- Added a new “Content Track” page template which enables you to create tracks/learning paths of courses and roadmaps
- Added the ability to “clone” content from another lesson
- Added filtering option for the Content Grid template when using ‘Manual’ content type
- Added categories to Roadmaps which can now be used for filtering in the Content Grid template
- Added the ability to use dynamic pagination when also using category filtering on the Content Grid template
- Added User Redirection options to Pages, enabling you to redirect users elsewhere based on whether they’re logged in or logged out
- You can now display the ‘User Menu’ as a regular horizontal navigation in the header
- Added options to control the display of excerpt and course meta info on alternative views for protected courses in the grid
- You can now set alternative text and links on the button shortcode according to whether someone is logged in or logged out
- You can now enable default social media meta information in order to customise the appearance of links to your site that are shared on Facebook and Twitter
- Added shortcode to display the completion percentage of a course or roadmap. Can be used to provide a combined completion for multiple items.
- General code improvements to support compatibility with custom headers/footers feature in page builder tools such as Elementor
- Roadmap progress bar can now be positioned on the right as well as the left
- Expanded membership plugin support to ensure featured images, downloads etc are all hidden and to enable admins to also hide pagination and sidebars on courses.
- Added ability to hide modal search from logged out users
- Improvements to search results page
- Added 2 new developer actions: memberoni_after_course_complete and memberoni_after_roadmap_complete (which are fired after either a course or roadmap has been completed. Previously only action for this was if user used ‘mark all complete’ tool)
- Made significant improvements to layout of course edit page in admin
- Switched order of prev/next pagination as default WordPress behaviour was confusing
- Fixed issue with single-column layout for manual grid content
- Performance tweaks to recent content query on dashboard/block
- Updated bundled ACF version and filtering scripts – April 14th 2020
- Tweaks to incorrect URLs in admin notices when LMS conflicts are detected
- Added Page Settings for Roadmaps and Courses to enable hiding header and footer, adding custom page classes and scripts etc. (Roadmaps already had these but there were issues which this change fixes)
- Updated ACF version to ensure support for recent WP changes to menus – March 23rd 2020
- Fixed a number of display issues with single-column layout in the Content Grid
- Mixed minor issue where some lessons were showing as inactive in search results
- You can now add content to display below the grid on the Content Grid template
- Videos on the course overview page will now automatically be made mobile responsive – March 4th 2020
- Fix to inactive lesson protection – March 4th 2020
- Added option to Roadmap steps to open button link in a new window
- Fixed bug with hiding the title bar in courses
- Tweak to error handling for inactive lessons
- Changed label for Custom Post Type option on the Grid page for clarity
1.7 – February 27th 2020
- Added a new optional “modal search” feature along with new layout options for search results pages
- Further integration of roadmaps into various sections of the site, including new options for the dashboard, content grid and Gutenberg blocks
- Added the ability to show course descriptions in the content grid template
- Added the ability to add course metadata that will show in the content grid template
- You can now set lessons to be automatically marked as complete when users click the ‘Next’ button
- Added category filtering when using custom post types in the Content Grid template, including the option to use custom taxonomies
- Added option to set secondary content ordering criteria for course grid template
- Added the ability to combine WordPress categories and Memberoni course categories when using the Blog and Courses option in the recent content section of the Dashboard template and the related Gutenberg block
- You can also now show course lessons in the recent content section and block
- Made changes to grid structure to ensure listing heights are uniform across each row regardless of content, title length etc
- Added option to make course and lesson pages full width, showing the sidebar content at the bottom of the page
- Added optional support for comments on pages
- You can now hide the course progress circle in standalone lessons
- Made changes to automatic theme update process and server
- Fixed issues with missing parent and category options when using Gutenberg editor for courses
- Fixed issue with “view all” link colour in Content Grid
- Fixed bug with broken thumbnails when using fixed ratio option when no featured image or default thumb have been set January 13th 2020
- Added options to enable Gutenberg editor for Memberoni courses and roadmaps
- Fixed issue with incorrect thumbnail showing for blog posts in Member Activity Tracker
- Added date formatting options to Gutenberg block for Activity Tracker
- Removed Roadmap steps from Activity Tracker by default, with an option to enable them if needed
1.6.1 – December 6th 2019
- Added page-level CSS and script options to Roadmaps
- Added auto-resizing and mobile responsiveness to videos included in Roadmap steps
- Added options to disable resizing and responsiveness for videos in courses, roadmaps and blog posts
- Added options to enable default WordPress categories and tags for Memberoni courses and roadmaps
- Significantly increased font options in the WP Customizer
- Added option to set alternative logo URL for logged in users
- Added option to change how module toggles work in the course lesson list
- Added options to change date format and WordPress content position on the Member Activity template
- Extended “hascompleted” shortcode to work with Roadmaps
- Added option to enable comments on course parent pages rather than just on lessons
- Added developer hooks for Roadmap steps (memberoni_after_roadmap_step/memberoni_after_roadmap_step_unset)
- Altered style of modern mobile menu to stop first link always showing. Added option to toggle this back on if needed.
- Fixed issue with custom fonts not being applied to some site elements
- Added a check for cURL before license checks to avoid errors
- Tweaks to image sizing in ‘Recent Content’ block and related section on Dashboard template to avoid quality issues
- Fixed issue with mobile styles for single column course listings to address button overlapping excerpt
- Made admin warning messages about using other LMS plugins permanently dismissible
- Fixed bug with using Manual content option for the Recent Content block – August 2nd 2019
- Fixed a conflict with the Yoast SEO plugin
- Made Gutenberg blocks available on regular WP posts and any other post type using the new editor, rather than just pages
- Updated ACF version
- Tweak for mobile styles on category filter tabs
- Added options to open course and lesson downloads in a new window (in WP Admin > Memberoni > Theme Options > Courses)
- Added option to hide title bar on Standalone Lessons – July 18th 2019
- Added new menu options for mobile – you can now set specific menus to only show on mobile (overriding your main navigation)
- Added ability to choose where to display your user menu on mobile (combine with main, show separate, hide completely)
- Removed duplicate content from Member Activity Tracker page
- Moved Vimeo Autoplay options to ‘Advanced’ and demoted them to a ‘BETA’ feature due to incompatibilities in the wild caused by browser restrictions – July 16th 2019
- Logout link now shows in new mobile menu style if enabled
- Fix for minor layout issue with new autoplay button
1.6 – July 15th 2019
New features
- Added new “Roadmap” content type
- New Gutenberg blocks for Memberoni – Added 5 new blocks that you can use on any regular page using the Gutenberg editor: Icon Boxes, Content Grid, Last Viewed Content, Member Activity and Recent Content
- Added autoplay option for Vimeo videos in Memberoni courses
- You can now choose categories for Memberoni courses to show in ‘Recent Content’ on the Dashboard template
- You can now set lesson status to ‘Inactive’ in order to show it in the lesson list without it being accessible by users.
- Added option to move lesson downloads to the sidebar
- Added ability to add optional content to the top of the lesson sidebar
- Added ability to disable course sidebar, course tools (mark complete, reset etc) and course downloads showing in lessons on a per course basis.
- Updated course completion circle in page title to now show a coloured indicator of your progress
- Changed links on lesson downloads to stop them opening in a new window
Content Grid
- The ‘Content Grid’ template now allows you to override the plugin protection settings for courses on a page-by-page basis; enabling you to force all protected courses to either be shown normally or hidden completely regardless of what individual settings are
- You can now show all individual course lessons in the Content Grid template
- Added 3 new options to change layout of blog post listings
- Added individual sidebars for single blog posts and category pages that will override the standard sidebar if used.
- Category pages now display the category description – with an option in the theme settings for where this will be shown
- Added ability to force featured images to expand to the full width of the article
- Fixed issue with incorrect featured image size. For articles, featured images are now 790×415; except where the sidebar is disable, when a larger featured image of 1200×630 is now used.
Site Customisation
- Added ability to customise the width of the site
- Added a choice of mobile menu styles – original (white dropdown box below logo) or modern (pinned to top of site with ‘hamburger’ icon, using theme colours)
- Page with Sidebar template now has multiple options for customising which sidebar is used, where it’s positioned and the width of the sidebar
- Added extra advanced colour scheme options for the default WordPress login page
- Added ability to set an alternative logo for use on the default WordPress login page
Other Enhancements & Features
- Added plugin support for PilotPress from Ontraport
- Restored option to set a featured image on pages using the Dashboard and Content Grid templates
- Removed minimum limit when using the ‘Manual’ setting for Content Grid pages
- Added display options for Event Widget to set whether to show to everyone, to only logged in users, or to only logged out users.
- Added option to exclude content from ‘Last Viewed’ tracking globally by post type
- Added customisation options for the Lesson Tracker template
- Added additional options for customising the button label text on lesson history/tracker lists.
- You can now add completion, bookmark and favourite buttons on any page or post using a shortcode.
- Bookmark, favourite and completion history can now be shown on any page using a shortcode, with various new display options
- Tidied up the Memberoni theme settings pages in WordPress admin
- Fixed issue with ‘disable course archive’ not working
- Course sidebar will no longer show list of all courses when content type of set to ‘Lesson’ but a parent course page is not set.
- Fixed bug preventing ‘lost password’ link showing on default WordPress login page
- Update FontAwesome library and added a new ‘Icon Settings’ section where you can switch from v4 to v5. (Note that after switching, any icons used in the Dashboard template will need to be re-selected and re-saved.)
- Updated ACF Version
- Changed to mixed license – February 13th 2019
- Improved compatibility with Gutenberg – December 12th 2018
- Fixed a bug with course display on Dashboard
1.5.1 – December 10th 2018
- Added option to show ‘Inactive’ courses in Recent Content list on Dashboard
- Added plugin support for Digital Access Pass
- Improved compatibility with Gutenberg editor
- Updated ACF version
- Fixed conflict with WPEP that caused incorrect time-picker to display when setting jumplinks – November 12th 2018
- Fixed issue with custom color scheme options overriding previous settings
- Fixed bug preventing the sidebar and correct number of items per row from showing on the grid template in some instances
- Restored missing page and post options for hiding the header, footer, sidebar etc
- Standalone lessons now have the correct completion percentage shown – November 11th 2018
- Rolled back new custom colour scheme options to avoid issues with previously used settings
1.5 – November 9th 2018
- Added breadcrumbs that can be enabled and customized via the Memberoni theme settings
- You can now set a prerequisite for course lessons that prevent the content from being viewed if the student has not completed another lesson of your choosing.
- Added a ‘Last Viewed Content’ shortcode that you can place anywhere on your site to show a link to the last page, lesson etc that a user viewed. You can also exclude specific pages from being included in this.
- Extended Memberoni’s membership plugin support – now videos, comments and downloads are now hidden throughout courses where ‘Enable protection’ is enabled
- Added additional custom color controls for footer, user menu and main navigation menu
- Added the ability to change the position of jumplinks
- Added ‘direct linking’ to jumplinks
- Added new shortcodes to set and display custom user meta values, as well as show conditional content based on those values
- Added a shortcode that enables you to check whether someone has completed a course (or multiple courses) and then display content if they have. Can also be used to show content when someone hasn’t completed a specific course or group of courses.
- Added the ability to show the course completion percentage in the title bar. This is enabled globally in the theme settings and can be overridden on a course-by-course basis
- When using a sidebar layout for the Content Grid along with ‘category filtering’, you can now put the list of categories in the sidebar instead of above the grid.
- Added the ability to set alternative footer menus for logged in and logged out members. If no logged in menu is selected, the logged out menu will be used.
- Added the ability to use a different navigation menu on any pages using the ‘Checkout’ template. If no alternative menu is selected, the main menu will continue to be used.
- You can now set custom text for the user menu link rather than using the member’s display name
- Added an option to hide the user avatar shown next to the user menu link
- Extended options for hiding the header, page title and footer to also be available on individual blog posts
- Added extra Google fonts to the Customizer
- Added column in WP admin to show page, post and course ID’s (to make it easier for use with shortcodes)
- Course buttons now show ‘Continue’ if user has previously started and marked any lessons as complete. Options to change default text have been added to ‘Text Settings’
- Theme now detects whether LifterLMS, Learndash or WPEP are installed and warns user about possible URL conflicts
- Theme detects if you have the ACF plugin activated and prompts you to disable it and use it’s own built in ACF features.
- If using custom post types for the recent content list in the Dashboard template and Memberoni courses are included, inactive courses will now be hidden from the list
- Added ‘title’ attribute to lesson bookmarking icons which will display when icons are hovered over
- Custom color options for the theme in Customizer are now hidden unless the ‘Custom’ option is selected
- Changed some default values when adding courses to make the process quicker
- Officially discontinued support for iMember360 and ActiveMember360 (options have been kept in for legacy/backwards compatibility purposes however we do not recommend using them for new installations)
- Updated bundled ACF version – August 6th 2018
- Improved Gutenberg compatibility – June 11th 2018
- Fixed issue with ‘coming soon’ course thumbnails being clickable
- Added option to manually insert names of custom post types
- Updated bundled ACF version
1.4.8 – April 25th 2018
- Course images are now clickable in the Content Grid (excludes single-column layout and ‘Manual Content’ options)
- Module menus now have an accordion effect where opening one menu will collapse any others that are open
- Tweak to CSS loading in order to enable support for CSS Hero and similar plugins
- Added FitVids support for blog posts
- Misc style tweaks
1.4.7 – April 4th 2018
- Fixed bug that prevented disabling comments on courses
- Fixed bug with pagination on blog pages
- Fixed issue with video resizing for logged out users
1.4.6 – February 15th 2018
- Added the ability to set course-wide content that will show on every lesson in a course
- Added support for WPFusion
- Added pagination options for the ‘Content Grid’ template (choose between Prev/Next and numerical pagination)
- You can now set the order categories will display in the list when using ‘Category Filtering’ on the ‘Content Grid’ template
- ‘Custom Post Type’ option on the ‘Content Grid’ template now allows you to select multiple post types at once.
- Added the option to change course sidebar location
- Added advanced option to force original image ratios for thumbnails in the Content Grid library
- Added option to set number of items per page in Content Grid template (when ‘Category Filtering’ is not enabled)
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed minor bug with pagination
- Fixed bug where 100% completion was not showing for completed standalone courses
- Fixed bug where ‘Allow comments’ option was not saving on Memberoni courses
1.4.5 – January 4th 2018
- Fixed issue with HTML body class that was causing PHP warnings in some setups
1.4.4 – December 19th 2017
- Body tag now includes classes related to course categories when viewing Memberoni courses (category needs to be set for each lesson)
- Added styles to combat iOS messing up the appearance of buttons on forms
- Added options to hide or link featured images on course overview and standalone lesson pages
- Added an optional alternative sidebar for Standalone Courses
- Added option to enable ACF settings
- Added code that will attempt to enable comments on courses/lessons by default when course comments are turned on
- Bug fixes/tweaks:
- Fixed bug where course bookmarking icons wouldn’t show in some circumstances
- Fixed bug where course description wasn’t showing on Standalone Lessons
- Added advisory notice about ActiveMember360 and iMember360 plugin support inconsistencies
1.4.3 – October 25th 2017
- Added protection support for ActiveMember360 and iMember360
- Added support for FacetWP filtering on the ‘Content Grid’ template
- Shortcodes can now be used in the before/after sections text in the Dashboard template
- Added ability to set a custom button link and custom text on inactive courses
- Added option for adding site-wide scripts immediately after the body tag
- You can now add widgets into your site footer
- Bug fixes/tweaks
- Category and tags boxes are no longer hidden in admin when using the Content Grid and Dashboard page templates
- Fixed bug preventing some options from showing for Standalone Lessons
1.4.2 – September 11th 2017
- Added custom font options for menus and buttons
- Misc bug fixes/tweaks
- Further fixes to custom font loading inconsistencies
- Fixed issue with ACF post type addon in child theme
- Added failsafes for sites where included ACF addons are already active as separate plugins
1.4.1 – September 4th 2017
- Misc bug fixes
- Fixed issue with bookmarking/lesson completion when using the Child Theme
- Fixed bug with custom font loading
1.4 – August 31st 2017
- Added New Features
- Support for membership plugins to enable alternative content display options in the ‘Content Grid’ template. Supported plugins are:
- MemberPress
- Memberium (for both Infusionsoft and ActiveCampaign)
- s2Member
- Paid Memberships Pro
- Wishlist Member
- Restrict Content Pro
- Optimize Member
- Member Mouse
- Added “jump link” feature for Vimeo videos to Memberoni courses
- Added custom font options
- Implemented the ability to add an excerpt for ‘Manual’ content that will show in single-column layouts on the Content Grid template
- Lesson completion, bookmarking and favoriting are now all ajax-powered and don’t reload the page when clicked
- Added option to change ‘Add to Calendar’ button text on the events widget
- New site logo options, including the ability to change where the logo links to as well as alter the logo size and position
- Added the ability to disable/hide the footer menu
- Added the option to set custom button text for courses in the content grid on a per-course basis.
- You can now set a custom link for course banners
- You can now set one or more custom CSS classes on a per-page basis
- Lessons now support user comments. This is deactivated by default and needs to be enabled in the Memberoni Settings
- Support for membership plugins to enable alternative content display options in the ‘Content Grid’ template. Supported plugins are:
- Fixes/Misc Tweaks
- Changed featured image width to 760px to better fit the 3-column layout.
- Made some improvements and changes to code aimed at solving the whitespace issue that sometimes happened with the content grid due to over-long titles
- Moved MixItUp 2 script to local folder rather than a remote call for future-proofing
- Fixed division by zero error in page grid
- Fixed display bug with the side-menu that appeared in some setups when using modules
- Fixed issue where hiding date, author or category on blog posts hid the entire blog byline
- Fixed issue with ‘standalone lessons’ showing the wrong parent course and thumbnail in the content tracking/history page
1.3.1 – May 11th 2017
- Fixed bug with incorrect starting lesson when first content in a course is a module
1.3 – May 7th 2017
- Added New Features
- Theme can now be updated remotely
- Added sidebar options for pages using the ‘Content Grid’ template
- Added the ability to change how many items per row on the ‘Content Grid’ page
- Added option to have a course banner image appear on all lessons within a course
- Added a “Standalone Lesson” option for courses
- Added option to move the location of lesson completion/bookmarking links
- Added options for controlling individual elements of the blog byline
- Options to remove featured image from single blog post
- Added option to remove comments from articles
- Add colour options for highlight shortcode
- Fixes/Misc
- Enabled responsive videos in the main lesson content rather than just in the embed code field
- Added option to disable course archive in order to avoid conflicts with manually created library pages
- Add fallback for member display name where first/last names have not been set
- Added basic Woo Sensei support
- Improved LifterLMS integration by adding support for Lifter sidebars
1.2.3 – Feb 21st 2017
- Fixed bug with incorrect starting lesson when first content in a course is a module
1.2.2 – Feb 6th 2017
- Fixes/Misc
- Fixed bugs with module feature on course listings and course completion/clearing functions
- Misc code improvements
- Tweak to content history shortcodes to show course name for module lessons rather than module titles
1.2.1 – Jan 16th 2017
- Added New Features
- Added option to hide previous and next buttons on course lessons
- Added CSS classes to course bylines as well as the different elements of blog bylines to enable hiding/styling via CSS
- Added option on manual content type to have link open in a new tab
- Fixes/Misc
- Fixed bug that was causing issues with PHP7
- Fixed issue with category filtering which was causing all categories to be shown in menu even when only specific ones were selected
- Fixed issue with navigation menu where active items weren’t always being highlighted
- Misc code improvements
1.2 – Dec 15th 2016
- Added New Features:
- Added option to group lessons into ‘modules’
- Implemented new options for customising all text ‘hard-coded’ into the theme
- Added option to set the default images used in the theme
- You can now set items as ‘inactive’ when using the ‘Manual’ option in the Content Grid template, which will also enable you to add custom ‘Coming Soon’ text
- Added the ability to change the dimensions of the logo area in the header
- Added action hooks to better enable third party support/integration
- Added the ability to filter courses by category when in WP admin
- Enabled the option to set the event URL when using the event calendar widget
- Added the option to disable the sidebar for the blog
- Added options to the Content Grid template to enable you to only show certain categories for courses, as well as change the order that content is shown in.
- Fixes/Misc
- Fixed bug where custom footer text was not showing
- Added support for WordPress 4.7
1.1.2 – Oct 31st 2016
- Removed extraneous code causing filtering issues
- Added blank page template
1.1.1 – Oct 25th 2016
- Fixed bug with course page sidebar not loading
1.1 – Sept 6th 2016
- Added new features:
- Course categorisation and filtering
- 2 new options for recent content (blog/course combo, list of CPT’s)
- Added download options for courses and lessons
- Added ‘mark all complete’ and ‘reset progress’ features to courses
- Added 7 new colour schemes
- Added custom colour scheme options
- Option to disable member menu
- Option to override course and lesson labels
- Option to override default course slug
- Fixes/Misc
- Miscellaneous code refinements
- Fix for LearnDash compatibility
- Removal of extraneous scripts
- Removed jQuery UI for filtering/tabs in favour of quicker/cleaner CSS/JS alternative
- Changed label on admin settings to be clearer
1.0.3 – July 22nd 2016
- Bug fix where recent content was showing on dashboard even when it was set to disabled
- Tweaks to course list images to improve performance
- Fixed bug preventing sub-menu’s from appearing in main navigation
- Fixed issue with MemberPress reset password buttons/links being hidden
- Fix for featured image sizes
- Fixed issue with Woocommerce support
- Fixed bug with enqueuing jQuery
- Misc CSS Tweaks and improvements
1.0.2 – June 23rd 2016
- Bug fix where main WP content was not showing in ‘Grid’ page template
- General fixes and code improvements
- Tweaks to responsive images code which were not working on course pages and in other areas
1.0.1 – June 15th 2016
- Minor bug fixes and compatibility tweaks