
Highlight content:


“color” – sets the background color of the highlighted area. Accepts names of colors or hex codes

“fontcolor” – sets the font color for the highlighted area. Accepts names of colors or hex codes

“bordercolor” – sets the border color for the highlighted area. Accepts names of colors or hex codes

“style” – allows you to add custom CSS style to the highlighted area

Button Link:


“url” – sets the link for the button

“logged_in_link” – overrides the button link for logged in users only

“logged_out_link” – overrides the button link for logged out users only

“logged_in_text” – overrides the button text for logged in users only

“logged_out_text” – overrides the button text for logged in users only

“target” – set this to ‘_blank’ in order to open link in new window

“size” – sets the font size of the button in px

“style” – allows you to add custom CSS style to the button



“size” – this sets the width of the column. Options are: ‘half’, ‘quarter’, ‘third’, ‘twothird’, ‘threequarter’

“float” – this aligns the column to the left or the right. Options are ‘l’ for left or ‘r’ for right

Clear floated elements (use this after columns if using the “float” option):

Show content to logged in users only:

Show content to logged out visitors only:

Show link to last viewed content:


“icon” – Replaces the default ‘clock’ icon. Uses FontAwesome class names

“label” – Changes the text that appears before the link

“style” – allows you to add custom CSS style to the highlighted area

Show bookmark, completion and favorite options on any content:


“style” – allows you to add custom CSS style to the highlighted area

Display member activity:


“status” – determines which type of member tracking info to show. ‘1’ for bookmarks, ‘2’ for favorites, ‘3’ for completed lessons

“layout” – show either a “grid” or a “list”

“hide_date” – set to “1” in order to hide the date on listings

Advanced Shortcodes

Conditional content based on whether member has completed a specific course or courses:


“course” – The ID of the course(s), roadmap(s) or lesson(s) a member must have completed in order for the content to be displayed. Multiple items can be listed here if separated by commas

“check” – When set to ‘1’ the content will be shown if a member HAS completed the course(s) – if set to ‘0’ the content will only be shown if member has NOT completed all courses listed

“percent” – Show content based on a specific percentage of content being completed (if multiple ID’s are added under “course” then a combined percentage will be used).

“exclude” – ID of course(s), roadmap(s) or lesson(s) which need to match the OPPOSITE “check” condition (i.e. complete or incomplete) from the “course” ID’s in order to content to be shown. i.e. “show is X is complete and Y is incomplete”)

Show completion percentage value for one or more courses/roadmaps:


“course” – The ID of the course(s) or roadmap(s) to display the completion value of. Multiple courses/roadmaps can be listed here if separated by commas and the value shown will be a combined completion percentage (shown as a numerical value – does not show % symbol)

“places” – how many decimal places to round value to (default: 0)

Member Data/Usermeta

Display a user meta value:


“action” – Can be ‘show’ (to display a known meta value), ‘add’ (to add usermeta for this member) or ‘check’ (to check the value of a known meta key and display conditional content)

“key” – The meta key to show/add or check. The keys used should be consistent across all members

“value” – add/check only The meta value to add OR when using ‘check’ this is the value we’re trying to match see in order to show the conditional content

“istrue” – check only If set to ‘1’ the content will be shown if the meta value matches. If set to ‘0’ the content will only be shown if there is no match.

Add a custom meta value:

If a member visited a page containing this shortcode, a meta value labelled “livetraining” would be recorded in the database, with the value “attended” – effectively ‘logging’ that they’ve attended a live training session, for example. This could be used to log similar visits to other key pages and then later display content elsewhere based on whether those pages have been visited (i.e. a prompt on the dashboard shown only to people who have not attended a live training)

Display conditional content only if meta value matches what we stipulate:

A message is shown to someone only if the database shows that their ‘livetraining’ meta entry contains ‘attended’

Display conditional content only if meta value DOES NOT match what we stipulate:

A message is shown to someone only if the database shows that their ‘livetraining’ meta entry DOES NOT contain ‘attended’ – i.e. they have never attended a live training session.